How does VerifySpot work?
After checkout, the customer is instructed to download the VerifySpot app and confirm possession of their card. The app takes an image of the front and back of their credit card which is uploaded to the VerifySpot servers along with the user's GPS location. The merchant is then alerted to review the information for authenticity. VerifySpot does not take any action on behalf of the merchant and leaves the final transaction decision to the seller.
Is VerifySpot safe and secure?
Yes. VerifySpot helps reduce chargebacks by verifying credit card possession and REAL GPS-based location of the customer at the time of purchase. All information submitted to VerifySpot is encrypted using 2048 bit encryption and deleted immediately after the merchant receives it.
How private is my information?
To ensure maximum privacy and card holder security, VerifySpot immediately deletes all customer data including scanned credit card images and GPS coordinates after it is accessed and examined by the merchant or within 72 hours of upload by the buyer.
How much does VerifySpot Fraud Verification cost?
Please see our registration page for pricing information.
Is VerifySpot good for web sites that sell services/subscriptions as well as physical goods?
Yes. VerifySpot was designed to work with every type of online store and has been used by various online stores over the last 8 years with digital delivery as well as physical products. With digital goods and subscriptions, and "postback" API implementation, the merchant can provide access to the digital service immediately after verification auto-completes. With physical goods, you can ship them after you have reviewed the verification data.
Is VerifySpot easy to setup on my web site?
Yes, very easy! Simply follow our wizard to generate a snippet of HTML code and insert it on your Thank You page which a customer sees after they place an order. This code will integrate with your web site and instruct the buyer on the next step. Click to view an example store.
What is the advantage of using a mobile app for fraud checks?
The mobile app takes care of two very important problems that traditional fraud checks cannot address. First, it obtains the buyer's ACTUAL physical location by triggering a GPS check on their phone or tablet. Unlike IP addresses and phone numbers, GPS coordinates cannot be spoofed (we detect them if they are). The other important part of verification is ensuring that the user has the credit/debit card they just used in their possession. By taking a picture of the front and back using the VerifySpot mobile app, they are verifying (and you can confirm) that they are holding the card in their hand when the order is placed.
As a merchant, what kind of a reduction in fraud can I realistically expect?
Our merchants have reported a 99.9% reduction in credit card fraud.
Will I receive an alert when a customer uploads verification data?
Yes. We will send you an alert indicating that a customer uploaded information for your review. Optionally, you can easily configure your account to POST the verification information (GPS coordinates, address and credit card images) directly to your server so that all pertinent information is accessible from within your dashboard.
What data will VerifySpot provide me with when a customer completes verification?
We will provide you with the user's REAL GPS coordinates (exact location), complete street address associated with those GPS coordinates, images of the front and back of their credit card and the IP from which they uploaded the data while using the mobile app.
Does VerifySpot need transaction information?
No. We do not need any transaction information but you can provide information (such as order number or email) to help you match up a user's upload with the order its associated with in your system.
Will you make the transaction decision for me?
No. We only provide you with the information necessary to make an informed decision. It will be up to the merchant to decide if the transaction falls within their risk tolerance.
What if my customer doesn't own a smart phone?
VerifySpot only works on smart phones and tablets.
Can verification happen hours or days after the purchase?
As long as the user has access to the QR code generated on your Thank you page they will be able to submit their verification. You will see the date and time they requested the QR code and the data and time (along with IP and GPS data) they actually submitted their verification information. From there you can decide whether the information is valid.
Is VerifySpot compatible with all phones and operating systems?
VerifySpot works with all phones running iOS or Android operating systems, including phones running old versions of these operating systems.
If I suspect fraud, what should I do?
Contact the buyer. In most cases fraudulent buyers will not respond to emails. Refund the transaction and do not ship or deliver the product.
What if my customer refuses to use the mobile app to verify their card possession and location?
From our experience processing tens of thousands of verifications, we can confidently state that a user that refuses verification is almost always a fraudster.
Do I need to provide information related to the transaction or customer?
No, the only information we request from the merchant is a "token" to identify this transaction in our system and then associate it with a transaction on the merchant's system. A token can be the order number, a random number or the customer's email. Most merchant's use the order number and customer email.
What are the benefits of using VerifySpot?
For the merchant, adding VerifySpot GPS + card possession verification can eliminate or significantly reduce fraudulent credit card transactions, at no charge, and without interrupting the customer purchase process.
Do I risk losing business if I include VerifySpot verification on my site?
No. Since VerifySpot works AFTER the transaction occurs (and before the product is shipped or delivered), the merchant will not lose any business.
What if the customer is purchasing on a mobile device?
The QR code scanning still works on a mobile device, but instead of taking a picture of a QR code the buyer is instructed to click on the QR code which opens the VerifySpot app with the code passed to it.
VerifySpot is designed to help online stores reduce fraud by verifying that buyer has physical possession of the card they used to make an online purchase and that they are within a reasonable distance of their billing address.